Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Online Education Pitfalls

Online Education Pitfalls Online education: it seems so simple, so convenient. So perfect for you? It could be; however, there are several mistakes that online teachers frequently see students make, according to The US News World Report. The US News World Report published eight, common mistakes associated with online education. 1. Not verifying the schools credibility: Most students go to college and other schools to receive credits. However, some employers and colleges simply will not accept some online schools credits. They put no credence in some of these unaccredited online schools. Therefore, attending certain online schools are a waste of time and money. Students should verify an online colleges accreditation with the federal government. Also, students should check with other colleges and companies to find out if they will accept credits from a certain online school. 2. Underestimating the workload of online schools: How hard can a college be when one can go to class at his/her computer in pajamas, eating a gargantuan bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch, not caring about the cinnamon swirled milk thats dripping down the chin? Welljust as hard as any traditional college with a 100+ person lecture hall. Sometimes these online classes can be harder than attending a traditional college. Students should understand the workload of an online college before attending and paying for it. 3. Not understanding what type of learner you are: Online education is much more disconnected than a traditional college experience. You cant nudge your neighbor and ask for a pencil. You cant tell the professor to slow down. There is much less interaction between professor and student. Some students can watch the lecture online and quickly understand it. However, others rely on asking questions before and after class. Some rely on the experience of being in a class room more than others. Students need to be very self-motivated to succeed in an online scenario and attentively watch lectures. Its much harder to pay attention to an online lecture when there is a TV staring over your shoulder, prying your attention away from a man in a bow tie talking about economics. 4. Technology/Compatibility issues: Students should ensure that they will be able to watch class lectures and receive all of the necessary information on their home computers. Slow Internet connections could be a problem. Also, students should check to see which computer programs are needed for the class such as Microsoft Excel, Adobo Photoshop, etc. 5. Having a bad teacher: Teaching online is far different than teaching in a traditional classroom. You might already know more about this than some professors do because you just read the previous sentence. Its better to take online classes with a professor who has previously taught online courses. 6. Taking too many classes: Ever heard of the saying, your eyes are bigger than your stomach? Well, similar to that, your mouse clicker is bigger than your brain. Get it? No? Ok, how about this then: online education can be more demanding than traditional, and students should ease into the process; rather than immediately diving into several, challenging classes. 7. Plagiarizing: Its never a good idea. With online education, teachers can download anti-cheat software to scan papers for plagiarism. Avoid the temptations; its easier to get caught with online classes. 8. Not keeping up with group projects: No normal civilian, other than professors and teachers, will ever fully understand why teachers love group projects so much. There are many speculations and theories. The strongest is that they better prepare students for the real world. Group projects do successfully achieve that goal. But, teachers just love them. Online teachers are no different, and students in online classes will likely participate in virtual group projects with other online students. These are much different than traditional group projects, and students need to be able to work well with others online. Essentially, online classes are incredibly different than traditional classes. Students need to fully understand the differences.

Friday, March 6, 2020

What is it Like to Attend Emory University

What is it Like to Attend Emory University The tutors behind Varsity Tutors are not just here to teach theyre sharing their college experiences as well. Leigh Ann is an Atlanta tutor and 2007 graduate of Emory University where she majored in Political Science and English. She tutors numerous subjects including SAT prep tutoring, ACT prep tutoring, LSAT prep tutoring, and Grammar and Mechanics tutoring. VT: Describe the campus setting and transportation options.How urban or safe is the campus?Are there buses or do you need a car/bike? Leigh Ann: Emory is one of the most beautiful campuses in the country. It's not just my Emory bias that makes me say thatit's consistently ranked as one of the best campuses in the nation. It's kind of spread out, but there are shuttles that get you to most of where you need to go, including the grocery store and such. Atlanta is not generally a walking city, meaning that having a car is a major plus, but there is enough around campus that you don't have to have car, which is good because freshmen can't have cars on campus. People bike around campus too. VT: How available are the professors, academic advisers, and teaching assistants? Leigh Ann: The professors are the BEST! They're so smart and knowledgeable about so much, even beyond their specialty. I never had a problem with getting in touch with any of my professors or talking to them when I needed to ask a question. Most went out of their way to emphasize how open they were to questions. The same goes with the few times that I had a TA, and with academic advisers. There were some classes that I didn't like, but that usually had a lot more to do with the subject matter than the professor. VT: How would you describe the dorm life rooms, dining options, location, socialization opportunities with other students? Leigh Ann: People generally made their best and closest friends with the people that lived in their dorm. Freshmen are required to live on campus, which really fosters the social life there. People have a lot of pride in their residence hall. Some of my favorite memories involve hanging out with my friends that lived on my hall. Emory has built new dorms since I graduated, which have replaced the ones that weren't of such great quality when I was there. They're supposed to be incredibly nice. I think it's required for people to buy a meal plan to eat at something called the DUC, which is pretty close to most of the dorms, during your freshman year, but there are other options close by if you're in the mood for something different. There are a variety of places to check out on campus, and there are a number of pretty decent places in Emory Village, which is right next to the main gate to campus. They've also recently opened up some new restaurants really close by in another neighborhood. As for socialization, well I never heard of anyone not knowing how to meet enough people or to find something fun to do. VT: Which majors/programs are best represented and supported?What did you study and why? Did the university do a good job supporting your particular area of study? Leigh Ann: Some people think of Emory mostly as a medical school, but it does a great job of supporting a lot of different majors. Science majors are really frequent because a lot of people do want to go to medical school, but Emory's business school and nursing school are also really good and popular. I majored in Political Science and English, which I did because I knew I wanted to go to law school after graduation. There are a ton of future lawyers at Emory so pre-law students had a ton of support. The lady that provides advice to law school applicants in the Career Center is quite good. VT: How easy or difficult was it for you to meet people and make friends as a freshman? Does Greek life play a significant role in the campus social life? Leigh Ann: As I mentioned above, your dorm tends to influence who your best friends are. I found it easy to make friends and really easy to find people with whom I had something in common. My friends were one of the best parts of my experience. I don't think it's hard to make friends at all, mostly because everyone is required to live on campus your first year. As for Greek life, I wasn't involved in it at all. There is definitely a Greek presence on campus, but it's completely possible to make friends without being a part of it. VT: How helpful is the Career Centerand other student support services?Do many reputable companies recruit on campus? Leigh Ann: I loved the Career Center people. I alternated between thinking I was going to go to law school and thinking I was going to work for a year or two after graduation, such that I was also looking for a job. I worked with both the pre-law adviser and an adviser who helped you find jobs. I thought both were great. They were really knowledgeable about everything, very willing to meet with you, and very encouraging. I never had a bad experience with either of them. I have a friend who still calls one adviser for career advice. Emory is really well-known so companies and graduate schools from all over come to recruit on campus. There are a ton of companies headquartered in Atlanta, and a lot of them recruit at Emory. VT: How are the various study areas such aslibraries, student union, and dorm lounges? Are they over-crowded, easily available, spacious? Leigh Ann: During finals, space is at a premium in the library, but generally, it's not a problem. There are lots of different spaces where you can hang out and study so you're not confined to the library in any case. Studying in the library is not my favorite, but there are plenty of other places to use. There are also cafes/restaurants close by where you can study, including Panera Bread and Starbucks. Most places are pretty spacious and comfortable. VT: Describe the surrounding town. What kinds of outside establishments / things to do are there that make it fun, boring, or somewhere in between?To what extent do students go to the downtown area of the city versus staying near campus? Leigh Ann: Atlanta is my favorite city to live in so I think the surrounding city is great. Emory is in a great location in Atlantathe area is both nice and safe. There are a variety of restaurants and things to do reasonably close by. It's not in the heart of Atlanta, so to speak, but it's not far from it either. The area is incredibly easy to navigate. Most people stay near campus and the surrounding neighborhoods rather than going downtown frequently. Atlanta has a ton of cool things to do. In addition to places to go to at night, there's Turner Field (where the Braves play), the World of Coke, the Georgia Aquarium, and lots of other places. The great thing about Atlanta is that you get the benefit of having a real campus life while also having a large city at your fingertips. It really makes it easy to have broader experiences that aren't just tied to the campus. VT: How big or small is the student body? Were you generally pleased or displeased with the typical class sizes? Leigh Ann: I thought the typical class size was perfect. Most of my larger classes were approximately 60 people, but the other classes were much smaller. The total number of undergraduate students is approximately 7,500. I think it's the perfect sizenot so big that you feel like just another number, but not so small that you think that everyone knows your business. VT: Describe one memorable experience with a professor and/or class. Perhaps one you loved the most or one youregretthe most. Leigh Ann: My favorite academic memory was writing my honors thesis during my senior year. It was a ton of work, but I worked with a great professor and learned a ton while working on it. I would definitely recommend it. During the fall semester of my senior year, I took a class required to write an honors thesis. I learned a lot about research during that class, and, maybe most importantly, I met a lot of new people that I wouldn't have met otherwise. During the second semester, I worked more independently and with my thesis adviser, but I ended up spending a lot of time with the other people also writing a thesis. Aside from the enormous amount of work (and losing a draft after I had made substantial progress on it), nearly every aspect of the experience was good, from how much I learned to developing great relationships with other people and professors. Check out Leigh Anns tutoring profile. The views expressed in this article do not necessarily represent the views of Varsity Tutors.

Superprof Highly Values its Private Tutors and Tutees

Superprof Highly Values its Private Tutors and Tutees Superprof: The Home of Private Tuition, Online Tutoring A Company that Cares ChaptersQuality Customer ServiceThe Tutee Experience at SuperprofSuperprof for TutorsA Tutoring Agency with a DifferenceEfficient Financial Model to Our Tutor WebsiteSince its founding in August of 2013, Superprof has not stopped growing.The one on one tutoring start-up has now made its way onto the world stage and its online tutoring services can be found in Brazil, Belgium, Spain and even Mexico to name a few.This development would never have been possible without the hard work and determination of the Superprof team, which works tirelessly to actively promote the sharing of knowledge.The 18-strong team is responsible for making Superprof a dynamic and family-friendly organisation which gives users an effective service which is tailored to the needs of each individual by looking at their personal learning style based on their strengths and weaknesses.Superprof’s unwavering drive for individualised learning made it ‘Coup de CÅ"ur de Public’ or ‘Public’s Favourite’ at the 2016 France Digitale Tour.The Superprof team works closely with customers to find them their ideal tutor. They include:Yann and Wilfried - Superprof co-foundersLouise - Recruitment managerCamille - Communication managerMathilde and Charles - Customer service in FranceSimon -  SEO supervisorAlexandre - SEO managerMarta and Eva - Spain country managersGloria - Country manager for ItalyFlavio - Brazil country managerMicha - USA country managerJon -  UK country managerValeria -  Mexico country managerSteph -  Germany country managerNushad -  India country manager CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic r eading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsQuality Customer ServiceAccording to a 2015 IFOP poll, 91% of people have reached out to a customer service department before.However, 79% of them said they were unhappy with the handling of their complaints, which were due in part to long waiting times.We would never let this happen at Superprof. Our dedicated customer service team is always delighted to answer any questions or fix a problems a customer may have.Whether you’re looking for math tuition to brush up on your trigonometry, algebra or calculus, an English tutor to help your child with reading and writing, a humanities scholar to help with your undergraduate study, French lessons with language tutors, or would like to be tutored before sitting important exams, our team will do all they can to ensure that you have a faultless  tutoring experience.Our team is always delighted to help students and tutors at any stage in their learning ¦ source: Pixabay - StartupStockPhotosAs a learner or educator, questions, criticisms or unforeseen problems can arise at any m oment. When they do, our customer service team is there to resolve your issue as quickly as possible.We have developed our fantastic customer service know-how over the 4 years Superprof has been active.There are several ways to get in contact with us:Through social media (Facebook and Twitter) via direct messageAt the email address jon@superprof.comYou could have an answer to your query in just a few hours when a team member will be in contact to help you out.The Tutee Experience at SuperprofStudents who wish to have academic support, take exam preparation lessons or be coached in sport or other areas can sign up to Superprof absolutely free.Once registered, students are free to browse tutors from all over the world and in their local area who will be able to help them to gain valuable qualifications and succeed academically with supplemental instruction.If a student wishes to be put in touch with a certain one to one tutor, all they have to do is reserve a lesson via the tutor’s profile.Browsing and contacting tutors is 100% free on Superprof.Students can search for tutors UK using filters concerning local area, whether they’re looking for an online tutor or in home tutoring London services or online tutoring all over the UK at level of study.After these filters have been applied, our Superalgorithm will display all suitable tutors according to the student’s request.If, after 48 hours you are still unable to find a suitable tutor, the Superprof customer service team will get to work to find an educator that suits your needs.Students may also receive text or email notifications about potential academic tutoring matches.A large amount of support means customers save time and can start their learning journey as quickly as possible. CalumDrama School Entrance Teacher 5.00 (15) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ToriSpanish Teacher 5.00 (1) £15/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors OliviaSchool support Teacher 5.00 (2) £21/h1st lesson free !Discover all our tutors MarkESOL (English) Teacher 4.76 (17) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors YuweiChinese Teacher 4.33 (6) £19/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JenniferMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors LouiseAutoCAD Teacher 5.00 (3) £60/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RickyPercussion Teacher 5.00 (7) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors NicolasGuitar Teacher 5.00 (2) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MyriamOrganic chemistry Teacher 5.00 (13) £20/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors JonathanEconomics Teacher 5.00 (9) £40/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors Oluwakemi imoleMaths Teacher 5.00 (1) £30/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AlexPhysics Teacher 5.00 (1) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors AdamSinging Teacher 5.00 (14) £48/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors ValentiniMusic reading Teacher 5.00 (2) £50/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors MilenaMaths Teacher 5.00 (5) £25/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutors RashmiEconomics Teacher 5.00 (1) £35/h1st lesson free!Discover all our tutorsSuperprof for TutorsWhen it comes to becoming a tutor, whether you’re interested in providing homework help with academic subjects or extracurricular activities, you’ll want a no-hassle method of finding students.With Superprof, sign-up is 100% free for tutors - and you pay no commision.Each online and home tutor looking to deliver lessons can complete their profile for free with guidance from our team to make sure their profile displays the key details of each tutor’s services.This means that profiles are optimised to appear higher up in search results for queries where the filters match the qualities of the tutor, and tutors, therefore, receive more requests from suitable clients.The days of notice boards are over - let our team assist you with online advertising ¦ source: Pixabay - lailajulianaThe Superprof team i s also at the disposal of teachers, advising them on how to best display and market their skills once they become a tutor with Superprof.Rachel, a math tutor, was struggling to find tutoring jobs.With the help of Camille from Superprof, Rachel went from having 0 to 15 lesson requests per month!You too can get in touch with the team to help you increase your online visibility.Don’t forget to complete your dashboard with your information, and make sure you respond as quickly as possible to interested students, as this will ensure a good response time on your profile.A Tutoring Agency with a Difference93.7% of our customers say they are ‘very satisfied’ with Superprof (figures based on 1421 reviews posted on Verified Reviews) and we believe this is down to the reliability of our website.Half of our workforce is dedicated to technical support aiming to perfect the Superprof experience down to the last detail.In an age where new technologies revolutionise the way in which we consum e, Superprof understands and embraces the digital shift to enhance customer experience.The Superprof platform is always evolving to make scheduling a lesson as easy as possible.Our website develops with its users in mind. Superprof customers make over 12,000 searches each day to find the best tutors who will help them learn and develop essential study skills.As this number continues to grow, our passion for ease of use allows us to manage the increased demand.Upon reaching the Superprof homepage, users are presented with a modern and simple interface.Let’s put ourselves in the shoes of someone looking for maths lessons in Manchester:in the “Choose a subject” box, they would type “maths”in the box marked “Enter your address or postcode”, they would type “Manchester”After clicking the button “Find a Tutor”, the student will be able to browse a list of maths tutors in their areaThanks to the powerful Superalgorithm, each step of the search for the ideal tutor is p ersonalised according to subject, address, and level among other criteria that can be adjusted in the filters.Some of our tutors are Superprof ambassadors. Ambassadors are advocates of the Superprof passion for sharing knowledge in their teaching, and can be found on the website’s homepage.In a simple click of the mouse, anyone can browse profiles according to what they are looking for.The efficiency of our website means removes the stress from your search ¦ source - VisualhuntAnd because we go the extra mile, one on one lessons are organised into categories:Academic supportLanguage lessonsMusic lessonsSports coachingLessons in the artsTo make sure that we always offer available tutors, the Superprof technical team has put a system into place which displays tutor availability in real time.And for an added level of security, our algorithm calculates the response rate of each tutor. This lets students be certain about the seriousness of their chosen tutor and encourages tutors to g et involved with their students’ academic success.In addition to this, our technical team has created a review system whereby students can rate their tutors and leave comments for any future prospective tutee to read before contacting the tutor.Efficient Financial Model to Our Tutor WebsiteAt Superprof, we do everything we possibly can to ensure the satisfaction of each user.Students will never have to part with any money if they fail to find a tutor that suits their specific needs.The website can save payment details, and payment will only be taken if the tutor accepts your request.If the request is accepted but there is an issue which is out of our hands and leads to the lesson not being delivered, we will refund the student as soon as possible. This is part of the Superprof guarantee!All you need to do is to get in contact with our team via email and explain the problem so that we can help find a solution.Hourly lessons cannot always be refunded by Superprof, simply because the team is not involved with the transaction.In short:tutors set their own hourly rates for lessons, which vary depending on the level of the tutor and their studentspayment is direct from student to tutorDirect payment means that Superprof takes no commission from tutors’ earnings, which keeps lessons affordable and more worthwhile.The majority of our tutors also offer their first lesson absolutely free!The Superprof team is always available to help and support the website’s users.The relationship of trust that grows between the team and tutors is fundamental to the sharing of knowledge, and the first step towards success.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Using Adjectives as Nouns and Gentrification in Rio, with Video and Exercises

Using Adjectives as Nouns and Gentrification in Rio, with Video and Exercises This weeks video and lesson are about using English adjectives as nouns, with a listening exercise about gentrification in the city of Rio de Janeiro. If you enjoy this lesson, you may want to contact us about trying an English class about the subject.Understanding how to use English nouns as adjectives is a great way to quickly improve your vocabulary.For example, read this statement:  The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.Poor and rich are adjectives, but by adding ‘the’ before them they become nouns.  There are two types-of adjectives that can function as nouns. Watch the video below to learn more about them, then try the exercise.Video: Using English Adjectives as Nouns Change the following sentences to use the adjective as a noun. Write your answers in comments and we will respond.1. The people who live in Spain go to bed very late.2. It is good to take care of people that are old.3. The worst season for people without a home is the winter.4. Things that are unknown, l ike God and space are very interesting to me.5. I like dark beer but most people prefer light beer.  Listening Exercise: Gentrification in RioClick here to and youll be taken to a page where you can listen to a radio broadcast about this subject.After listening, try to answer the questions below.  If you answer in comments, we will reply.1. What new services are offered in favelas?2. Why did Natalie move to Babylon?3. How old is she?4. Why does she stay?5. How is the new program Pacification different from the old Police presence in Babylon?6. Who has the best views in the city?7. Who plays below the favelas?8. Nelio Pereira da Silva is on the phone __________ and _________.9. Who is buying the houses in Vidigal?10. What is happening to the locals? David Beleggia 1) The Spanish go to bed very late2) It is good to take care of the old 3) The worst season for the homeless is the winter 4) The unknown, like God and space, is very interesting to me 5) I like dark beer but most people prefer light LOIEnglish Excellent David. Did you do the listening exercise?

Find Out How Tutor Services Help Students Increase Their Understanding

Find Out How Tutor Services Help Students Increase Their Understanding Get a Jump on the New School Year by Investing in Tutor Services! There's no better time to choose tutor services than the start of a new school year. Investing in tutoring services can help your child master new concepts, improve study skills, prepare for an upcoming exam, or build a solid foundation of academic skills. Many students benefit from the personalized sessions that aim to increase both understanding and confidence. Huntington Learning Centers offer tutoring services in: Subject Tutoring Your child can benefit from tutor services in a variety of subject areas, primarily in the mathematics and science domains. These tutoring sessions are designed to meet the rigorous demands of school coursework. Students seek subject tutoring for a variety of reasons including difficulty mastering new skills and knowledge, letter grade improvement, and homework help. Regardless of the reason for tutoring, each student is treated as an individual and is presented with a tutoring plan that is customized for specific needs. Perhaps your child is struggling in 8th grade pre-algebra. Before the very first tutoring session your child will be assessed for both strengths and weaknesses. This information is used to create a tutoring plan that addresses weak areas while reinforcing the new learning occurring in the pre-algebra class. Test Preparation A child's education is filled with high stakes tests including state achievement tests, college placement tests, and advanced placement exams. What exams will your child be taking this year? Success on these exams is determined by academic preparation and a specific set of test taking skills. The tutors at Huntington Learning Center can help with both. Tutors review and coach students on each tested academic area and the kinds of questions that will be asked. For example, a portion of the SAT exam assesses a student's vocabulary with cloze items. A cloze question requires students to choose the missing word in a sentence, completing the sentence with proper syntax. Students may choose to complete the sentence with an appropriate word that maintains the sentence's meaning before reading any of the multiple choice answers. Upon reading the answer choices the student can then find a synonym for the initial response. A portion of a tutoring session may be dedicated to specific strategies and then followed by guided practice. Study Skills Strong study skills are the foundation to ongoing success in school. A child who lacks sound study habits and proper organizational skills is more likely to struggle to keep pace with academic demands. A new school year is an excellent opportunity to reinforce your child's study skills or learn additional ways to study for the year's upcoming courses. Consider a student that is enrolled in a physics class for the first time. Although he experienced previous success in biology and chemistry he may quickly learn that his study skills need a boost to handle all the new content physics will present. Investing in tutoring sessions to target a different set of study skills more appropriate for physics will allow him to experience success and feel more confident in class. Academic Skills Core academic skills, such as reading, writing, vocabulary, and math, are crucial for a student's success during the upcoming school year. If you are concerned with the foundation of your child's academic skills now is a great time to invest in tutoring sessions. These sessions are designed to meet a student's specific needs. Each academic area is broken down into specific skills typically present in various grade levels. For example, an elementary student receiving tutoring in math concepts and computation would focus on basic computation, fractions, and decimals while a high school student would be working on algebra skills and advanced word problems. The developmental sequence of academic skill attainment is used in planning what areas a student should be mastering next.

Why is Abacus learning important for children - ALOHA Mind Math

Why is Abacus learning important for children Why is an Abacus learning important for children? 1 Like Why is an Abacus learning important for children? N-U-M-B-E-R-S!!! While it’s easy for a small percentage of lucky children, most children find numbers and math very difficult! Abacus learning is one of the best ways to improve arithmetic skills and number fluency. Abacus math also helps develop an interest and passion in math for many students as their confidence and understanding grows from an early age. After all, most students prefer the subjects they perform well in! Introduced in China, Abacus learning has made it easy to calculate basic arithmetic operations like subtraction, addition, division, and multiplication. It’s an enhancement tool for mental operations as it helps in learning math operations from the very basic to the quite complex. How does Abacus learning help the students? Counting numbers with fingers and hands was the method used before the application of sticks and stones. Later beads â€" ‘The abacus’ â€" was invented and it is the most creative way to count numbers easily and quickly. Many countries across the world used the abacus to teach basic calculations. As an advanced form of learning math, many schools, especially in Asia, use abacus in both primary and secondary classes. It’s been proven as one of the most effective methods for young learners to do mental math. Abacus learning not only helps with the basic calculations like addition, multiplication, subtraction, and division, it also helps in effective counting of decimal points, negative numbers, etc. Importance of Abacus training When students learn to use an abacus, they use their hands and a tool with beads to calculate numbers. It is believed that the movement using fingers gives them an opportunity to activate the brain sensors. The activity in the right hand helps them to coordinate and the left side of the brain and vice versa. This brings several benefits to the brain. Here are some of the key benefits of abacus learning. • With Abacus, calculation skills are boosted, and students can complete calculations faster and more accurately • Abacus promotes a stress-free way of learning math concepts which build confidence • It enhances problem-solving abilities • Abacus learning not only focuses on getting the correct answer but also helps with logical reasoning • Abacus programs not only teach math but also help in improving concentration levels • It boosts self-confidence and self-esteem • It strengthens mental skills like visualization and memory • It helps with improvised writing and reading by promoting memory and creativity Are you ready to help your children with Abacus?

Coconut Oil The College Students New Best Friend

Coconut Oil The College Students New Best Friend Image via Pixabay This stuff is edible, wearable, aromatic and an incredibly great value for its price point ($5.99 at Trader Joe’s!). It’s an all-around wonder that can be used as a substitute for different ingredients, and it’s a remedy for common beauty and health ailments. Plus, it’s one of the healthiest natural substances in the world. In college without much money to spare, students often seem to hunt for products that can perform more than one function and solve more than one problem in order to maximize the extent their dollars can go. Thankfully, coconut oil fits the criteria perfectly. A frugal college student can use coconut oil in their health, beauty and cooking routines: •Use it as a detangler, split-end fixer, scalp treatment, deep conditioner and flyaway-tamer Coconut oil is oily, obviously, and it’s great at making knots easier to comb out if you have long hair. Applying just a little coconut oil to the ends of your hair will help seal the strands and get a little extra moisture (the tips of your hair often miss out on your body’s natural oils). Students on a budget can get one jar of coconut oil and be set for the shower with this multi-use wonder. Say goodbye to spending $6 on a bottle of conditioner, another $6 on shampoo, and so on! P.S. Coconut oil also prevents lice! College students may not think they could still get lice (after all, isn’t lice an elementary school thing?) Lice can jump on anyone’s head regardless of the person’s health habits, and to prevent it from happening to you, use coconut oil in your hair. •Use it as lotion, moisturizer, makeup remover, cuticle cream or even an acne tamer Coconut oil moisturizes like no other, and you can apply it directly onto your skin. It smells mild yet fantastic, and you’ll be able to feel your skin get 20x softer after a single use. This oil is full of antioxidants that calm down sensitive skin, so you can even apply it onto your face. It even helps with acne and chapped lips. •Use it as a butter substitute, cooking oil and coffee creamer You open up the fridge to get a stick of butter for your cookie recipe, and all that’s left is an empty wrapper. What do you do? Coconut oil can take butter’s place as a healthy alternative, supplying a richer flavor than butter in whatever you’re baking. Need to make a stir fry? Use coconut oil. Baking something? Coconut oil has a very high smoke point and can withstand hot temperatures well. It works as a substitute for vegetable oil if you don’t have any at home, and also saves the day when you’re making coffee at home before class but realize you’re out of creamer! To use coconut oil in your coffee, stir it in right when your coffee is hottest so that it doesn’t all float up to the top of your cup. Image via Wikipedia Commons What are the health benefits for coconut oil? Coconut oil is a healthy fat, making it the desirable choice as a cooking oil that will increase your metabolism. Ingesting coconut oil in any form also boosts your immune system because of its antiviral properties. The saturated fats in coconut oil can also take action against parasites that cause indigestion. Plus, if you put coconut oil into your body on a daily basis, you’ll find yourself sleeping better, as the chemical makeup of coconut oil helps build sleep hormones. There are also dental benefits to using coconut oil on your teeth and gums. Compared to the usual mouthwashes dyed blue and green with a harsh chemical taste, coconut oil is the mouthwash to beat. By swishing coconut oil around in your mouth for a few minutes, you’ll be taking part in the process of  â€œoil pulling,” a technique that may make sense to you if you’ve taken a molecular biology course. Oil is hydrophobic, thus it can only mix with other oils and will not mix with water, a hydrophilic substance. Using coconut oil as a mouthwash will draw out the microorganisms that cause halitosis, plaque and gingivitis, since their cell membranes are composed of hydrophobic molecules that will respond to coconut oil (and not water, which is the basis of most mouthwash sold at convenience stores). For these reasons, coconut oil has been proven to work against tooth decay, and its lauric acid serves as an anti-microbial agent. The oil will not hurt your teeth or gums, but will remove the toxins dirtying your mouth. In truth, these are only a few ways you can use coconut oil. A simple Google search will turn up countless other uses you may find helpful throughout your life. It only makes sense for a college student to own at least one jar of coconut oil, as it’s a substance that can clearly do it all. If you’re going to buy one thing at the grocery store, buy coconut oil and you’ll essentially be buying 10+ other products all wrapped into one!